SWEET FEAR (The Unshakable Man - Part 1)

( A series on how men of God should be in today’s world based on Psalms 112)

“Praise the Lord! 

Blessed is the man who fears the Lord,who greatly delights in his commandments “
Psalms 112: 1

The word fear brings unpleasant memories and that is how the word is been used through everything we see , hear and touch in today’s world. Yet the psalmist says blessed is the man who fears the Lord, so this fear should be a different type of fear.

It should be a fear that arises out of love and respect and not anger and guilt,a fear that puts God first in all our humanly impossible endevours, a fear that emphasizes that our calling is much greater than all the obstacles before us. Let us call this “sweet fear”, a fear that arises in men of God allowing the aroma of God to spread to other men and brings blessing upon one’s own life. What a wonderful fear to have , the sweet fear of the power of Jesus in our lives.

This fear of the Lord allows us to see God in the awesomeness and beauty of who He is, not just in the moment but across the centuries , it’s a realization that our lives are in the hands of one who created the universe. Sweet fear brings a desire in our hearts to be holy and pure for Him, trying our very best to love His commandments and keep His Word.It enables us to wait in expectation on the miracles God will bring upon us when we, through sweet fear, give ourselves completely into His will.

It’s the battle between the worldly fear that we have been subjected to from our childhood against a Godly fear that arises out of our knowledge who God is . The sweet fear of God changes our being as we delight in His commandments and seek Him diligently , taking every decision in light of who He is and the hope He has given us.

I pray that as men and women of God , let us allow the sweet fear of Jesus to fill us so that the fears of this world will fade away.

God bless
Deeps George

©️deeps 2018

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