LOVING ONE ANOTHER - Living in Worship Series

How hard can it be to love another within a band or choir?. All sing together , share together , pray together and worship together What would stop us from loving each other deeply, strongly and intentionally?.

There may not be a single team in the world that has not had a conflict. Conflict has some deep effects that make loving one another a hard job. Conflict is also important for the maturing process of a team as well as for removing obstacles that limits God's purpose. 

In light of this , may I say , loving one another really means loving each other in the midst of conflicts, disagreements, problems,loses or sin. We are all human and there are tough days and joyful days as we walk the earth, there are days where everything goes perfect and others where brothers/sisters are disrespectful and disregard one another. 

The important thing is in looking at the bigger picture and understand the really reason you are together as a worship team . It is important to kill the sin of disdain and indiscipline at the very start. Love comes from God and it flows into us and to each other. Love allows us to see through the conflict and understand that judgement is in God's hands. Thus allow the following factors to encouraging love among you -:

Keep God at the Center - When your team members carry out actions that hurt or disappoint your assumptions , try and see if their actions are focused on giving Glory to God . If God is the center of his/her action , encourage them, support them, and acknowledge them. If not ,talk with each other and come back to keeping God in the Center. It is important to see that love is not lost because of you or your team member's selfish desires. 

Forgive and Move On - It is important to forgive and move on rather than forgive and stay in pain, that is not forgiveness. In case you are able to see the other person as a person who is weak and sinful as you are , you will be able to forgive and move on because eventually you are forgiving yourself. Easy to say,hard to implement, so here you need the power of God to move on and then you will see love starting to grow among you. 

Run together - Love should always be on the move and momentum is needed to keep love growing beyond the disagreements. Thus you need to work on actions for each other and the team that encourage love among you . You will have to learn to run together for each other , for the team and for Jesus in love. 

Take time to sit and discuss these thoughts with your team and if you could share your views it would be a learning for all of us. 

For all of us are imperfect and learn to love each other in imperfectness for it is only through Him we have perfect love. 

God bless

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