WORSHIP TEAM DYNAMICS -2 (Being Transparent) - Living in Worship Series

The power of a band's unity is transparency and trust . I think we can all agree on that, well as the years go by rather than increasing these two critical factors it is clear that most of time the law of diminishing returns seem to apply. 

The question would be when these factors are suppose to increase why do they decrease and over the years I could probably highlight three factors that cause this problem -: 

1. Assumptions -: Our brain is a beautiful instrument and as time goes by we start assuming how others feel or think. Yes sometimes we could right but I believe most of the time we are wrong. When we assume, we are not depending on God's power but rather on our senses. When these assumptions become negative they affect trust and transparency. 
2. Competitiveness-:I believe competition is important and good to build skills within the team, however when it is more about why does he or she have more gifts then I do,then competitiveness becomes a negative factor within the team . It basically causes a rift between thought and action as one would always be more concerned about making the other person not reach his or her potential. 
3. Unforgiveness -: Many things happen within a band that can be painful and as shared in my earlier blog it is important to forgive and move on . Open wounds cause more tissue damage so it is important to work on healing and be open about the process, the more we keep things within the less we will work together. 

All members of a band are equally responsible for increasing these factors, thus if there is anything that involves the band or people perceive that the band is working together towards an action then it is our mutual duty to share it with each other. Listen , Talk and Engage with God first and then He shows you how to increase trust and transparency with each other. Not easy , however remember Jesus did not tell His plans and visions to only 1 or 2 disciples but with all 12 who shared it with the rest of the world. So when God tells you to be trustful and transparent , then just obey. 

God bless 

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